We acquire complex large-format commercial real estate assets and reimagine them to drive community impact.

We have a comprehensive double-bottom line approach where we focus on value creation for our communities and stakeholders. Our team approach is designed to engage with local municipal and community constituencies, local and national tenants, and our asset clients; with the objective of creating win-win outcomes for all parties.



We selectively target transitional assets that fit our investment criteria. These attributes focus on complex properties with:

  • Strong demographic tailwinds

  • Meaningful density supportive of long-term demand; and

  • Potential for community alignment for asset enhancement

We work closely with our tenants to improve operations and the long-term viability of our assets.



Our objective is to reinvigorate and build upon the original purpose of each of our assets. We do this with a keen focus on driving local impact, understanding the needs of our communities, and applying best practices for long-term sustainability.



We are composed of a team of dedicated professionals who have passion for revitalizing challenged real estate assets, while having meaningful and sustainable impact on communities across the United States.